Music Theatre of Connecticut (AEA - SPT)


Dan O’Driscoll, a prolific fight and intimacy director, deftly directed Brogan (George Hay) and Holbrook (Charlotte Hay) through their fencing scene and most of the actors through falls and madcap scenes. - Broadway World (Sherry Shameer Cohen)

Music Theatre of Connecticut (AEA - SPT)

GHOST THE MUSICAL (2024) -,panels%20that%20represented%20various%20places.
Diane Vanderkroef’s costumes were just right for each character, but they really stood out on Oda Mae.
It looks as if Dan O’Driscoll’s fight and intimacy choreography and Clint Hromsco's choreography inspired Seth Eliser’s excellent navigation in the invisible box he was in as Sam’s ghost. - Broadway World (Sherry Shameer Cohen)

Music Theatre of Connecticut (AEA - SPT)

JERSEY BOYS (2023) - Seeing Jersey Boys now at MTC in Norwalk through Oct. 1 on a smaller stage where most of the playing area is close to the audience gives a new perspective on the show… Jersey Boys is the story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, from struggling to find their “voice” and getting started in 1950s New Jersey to the 21st century… Kevin Connors, the director, has assembled a fine cast. Several of the performers have done the show before, either in one of the many tours or in other theaters. Their experience shows. But Connors has also made some clever directorial choices, as have choreographers Dan O’Driscoll (intimacy and fights) and Katie Goffman (dance and asst. director). Kudos to sound designer Jon Damast, who kept sound levels appropriate without blasting us out of our seats. - 2ontheaisle (Karen Isaacs)

Music Theatre of Connecticut (AEA - SPT)

THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW (2023) - - At MTC the ensemble of actors, aptly directed by Kevin Connors, are all Equity members who were obviously selected for their talents, and each principal character is given a turn in the spotlight to do their “thing.”…Choreographer, Chris McNiff, Fight and Intimacy Director, Dan O’Driscoll and Costume Designer, Diane Vanderkroef also deserve special recognition for their vital contributions to the show. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Marlene S. Gaylinn)

Music Theatre of Connecticut (AEA - SPT)

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - - The all-AEA cast is immensely talented. Pappas and O'Driscoll play off each other with perfection. O'Driscoll is also the highly skilled fight and intimacy director for the show. The fencing was incredible, especially with the challenge of the way the set was designed. He also delivered Shakespeare's lines as if he were a master of the Bard's plays. - Broadway World (Sherry Shameer Cohen)

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - - As Andrew agonizes over his decision, he receives a powerful push from the undisputed star of the Shakespeare sphere: John Barrymore’s ghost. Dan O’Driscoll is persuasive and potent as the master manipulator who wants to inspire the reluctant protagonist to strike a victory for the Bard. Using encouraging arguments and dramatic swordplay, the legendary star challenges him to take a risk, with full support from the spiritual world, of course. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Bonnie Goldberg)

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - - Director Kevin Connors has some luck with his leading players here. Pappas gives an earnest and likable performance and is a good enough actor to make you wish he had better material. His chemistry with O'Driscoll, in the flamboyant, scene-stealing role of Barrymore, mostly works and an extended sword fight between the men (choreographed by O'Driscoll) is really quite impressive. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Tom Holehan)

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - - Pappas and O’Driscoll played off of each other well, and Pappas really came alive in those instances of confrontation opposite O’Driscoll. The stage combat between Pappas and O’Driscoll was a particularly well-executed aspect of the production; O’Driscoll also served as Fight and Intimacy Director for the show. O’Driscoll is excellent as Barrymore, the ghostly actor and former Hamlet who lived in Rally’s apartment while alive. His performance is grounded, yet full of flare in a way that embodies the overzealous interpretations of Shakespeare at times, but it works quite well with the grandiose persona of the ghost. O’Driscoll’s performance was one of my favorite aspects of the production. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Kiersten Bjork)

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - - The cast - crackerjack, engaging and comically seasoned - grab hold of Rudnick's script and chew it up and spit it out with expertly drilled precision, confidence, snap and pop. All six are consistently entertaining, each possessing a comic style and artistic grandeur that complements that play's nostalgic roots, its icy banter, its fantasy, its eccentricity, its playful lore and its unabashed escapism… O'Driscoll offers a commanding, well-honed turn as the ghostly Barrymore… There's also a splendid, rat-a-tat duel by O'Driscoll for Act I that achieves an actor-audience dynamic of closeness and split-second timing that is full-on thrill and spill - and then some. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Jim Ruocco)

I HATE HAMLET - (2023) - The verbal battle that leads to a legitimate sword fight between Andrew and Barrymore is hysterical… and a scene between Lillian and Barrymore is actually a really tender scene. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Tim Leininger)

I HATE HAMLET - (2023) - MTC Director, Kevin Connors, has added his magic touches and the actors played their roles to the hilt… One of the highlights is an exciting duel scene between Dan O’Driscoll as “Barrymore” and Constantine Pappas as “Andy” the undecided actor. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Marlene S. Gaylinn)

I HATE HAMLET - (2023) - - … Dan O’Driscoll as the laid-back, introspective John Barrymore captures the essence of his character.  He has a deft comedic delivery, a jaunty bounce to his step, and is one believable sword fighter (he is also the production’s Fight Director and his duels with Andrew are spirited and convincing). - Connecticut Critics Circle (Stuart Brown)

I HATE HAMLET - (2023) - - Dan O’Driscoll shines in the role of John Barrymore.The ghost, fortified by champagne and ego, presses Andrew to accept the part of Hamlet and fulfill his actor’s destiny. O’Driscoll commands the stage whenever he becomes part of a scene as Barrymore. The actor was the fight/intimacy director for both “Lend Me A Tenor” and “Sunset Boulevard” at Music Theatre. The swordplay that O’Driscoll choreographed for the end of act one fits into the space and is still convincing up close. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Nancy Sasso Janis)

I HATE HAMLET - (2023) - - Barrymore is portrayed magnificently by Dan O'Driscoll, who brings genuine charisma and star power to the role. The relationship between Andrew and Barrymore is extremely funny and the two actors play off each other very well. The rest of the cast is just as game and more than up to the comic antics in the show. - Connecticut Critics Circle (Zander Opper)

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - The madcap comedy really starts to roll as the ghost of Barrymore, dressed as Hamlet appears…The fight scenes arranged by Dan O’Driscoll who also plays Barrymore are quite impressive and realistic and still the scene is quite funny. The Actors Equity cast is hilarious and the comedic timing is spot on. Directed by Kevin Conners who delivers yet another wonderful  production to the MTC stage. - I On The Valley

I HATE HAMLET (2023) - - Enter Dan O'Driscoll as John Barrymore, who plays the role with dashing, humor, cajoling and guidance as he tries to convince Andrew to take the role of Hamlet. - Luxury Experience, Online Resource for the Discerning Consumer (Edward F. Nesta, Debra C. Argen)

Music Theatre of Connecticut (AEA - SPT)

LEND ME A TENOR (2022) - - Mucho kudos to Dan O'Driscoll's choreography of the fights, intimacy scene, master singing lesson, twin Canio scene, and zaniness in the hotel suite. - Broadway World (Sherry Shameer Cohen)

Planet Connections Theatre Festivity
(AEA Showcase Code, NYC)

OCCASION FOR SIN (2017) - "The collaborative work of Dan O’Driscoll, Joe DiNozzi, and Shelly Hutchinson in choreography is commendably masterful. The dance choreography done by Shelly Hutchinson is adept at not only telling the story but also in leaving audience members at the edges of their seats. Dan O’Driscoll and Joe DiNozzi manage to have their fight choreography both enticingly realistic and poetically beautiful. The most striking scenes are the ones taking place on the battlefield, where the choreography is unequivocally piercing, astonishing, and gorgeous. The way in which the actors fight not only propels the plot forward, but they also create an engrossing spectacle." - Outer-Stage, Journal of Independent Stage and Film Reviews

SUNY - New Paltz:

KING LEAR (2007) - Fight Director Dan O'Driscoll provides a dramatic climax with the final duel-to-the-death between the brothers Edmund and Edgar." - Times Herald-Record

Arkansas Repertory Theatre (LORT, Little Rock):

THE MIRACLE WORKER (2005) - "It required the six-time Rep veteran (fifth-grader Mary Catering Ward) to perform numerous and believably choreographed fight scenes with (Anne) Sullivan." - The Times - Little Rock, AR

"The battle scene at the dining room table, where Sullivan gets Helen to go for her napkin, but not before much cutlery and many punches are thrown, is a tour-de-force." - Arkansas Democrat Gazette - Little Rock, AR

THE THREE MUSKETEERS (1998) - "The talents of fight director O'Driscoll are put to good and heavy use. Ensemble members lunge and stab and fence and fall to their deaths skillfully and believably in a series of skirmishes." - The Times - Little Rock, AR

"The sword battles were both impressive and realistic enough to give one pause" - Arkansas Democrat Gazette - Little Rock, AR

"Dan O'Driscoll's fight choreography is spectacular…" - Arkansas Times - Little Rock, AR

Judith Shakespeare Company (AEA Showcase Code, NYC):

RICHARD III (2004) - "The numerous murders owed their precision tofight director Dan O'Driscoll." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review

JULIUS CAESAR (2000) - "O'Driscoll's brilliant fight choreography was a highlight of the production, and it was gratifying to see women so skilled and confident in their execution of complex swordplay." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review)

Historic Times Company (NYC):

HISTORIC TIMES (2001) - "The 1944 New Year's Eve party introducing the historic characters was particularly well staged. Dan O'Driscoll's fight choreography was also effective." - Backstage

American Globe Theatre (AEA Showcase Code, NYC):

HAMLET (2000) - "Director John Basil guided his exceptional ensemble with confidence and energy, and Dan O'Driscoll's complex fight choreography was executed to perfection by the beautifully trained cast." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review)

KING LEAR (1999) - "Dan O'Driscoll's fight choreography was believable, especially during the final duel between Edmund and Edgar." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review)

THE THREE MUSKETEERS (1998) - "Those who love the exciting swordplay in films like Robin Hood, Scaramouche, and The Mask of Zorro, may wonder whether the essential fencing in The Globe's production measured up. Here's the good news: it was quite dazzling! (Fight Directors: Dan O'Driscoll/Robin Flanagan). At times, three or four groups were furiously fencing on stage at once." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review)

"The swordplay… is remarkably accomplished, presenting a stage filled with flashing foils." - Backstage

AS YOU LIKE IT (1998) - The early fight scene between Orlando and Charles the wrestler (Robert Chaney) was gracefully choreographed by Dan O'Driscoll. - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review)

The Looking Glass Theatre Company (NYC):

THE INNOCENT MISTRESS (1997) - "The director filled the stage with farce, rap-slap greetings, stomping on toes, passionless pawing of breasts and genitals, and pows in the kissers. The production was especially adroit in staging some extraordinary fights and swordplay choreographed by Dan O'Driscoll." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review) - review is halfway down the page.

GABRIEL/GABRIELLE (1996) - "The highlight of the act was a swordfight staged by Dan O'Driscoll, a talented fight director who did a similarly fine job for Judith Shakespeare Company's recent production of Macbeth." - OOBR (Off-Off-Broadway Review)